29 June 2009

Bike Hike

We all arrived at the scout hall at 12:45pm on the 20th of September 2008 and put the bikes in the trailer and organised the traveling arrangements. When we got to Cowwarr we unloaded and started the ride to Lake Glenmaggie.    
Some scouts had some small bike problems and had to adjust their bikes, we had some small rain showers and a bit of wind. About 5:30pm we arrived at the campsite at the lake after 22 km of riding.
In the evening we made more bike adjustments, and then rode around the campsite and in the water, some of the scouts were happy to have a warm shower.
We got up at 6:00am and had breakfast, packed up and left early at 7:30am heading off to Maffra.
At the start, there were some hills, then it was quite flat and easy to ride on, the weather was nice but it got a bit too warm in the afternoon.
 At 11:00am we arrived in Maffra after around 35 km of riding. We had lunch at 12:20pm before having a look at the car museum. Then we headed back towards Cowwarr.
 It was very hot so we had a few rests on the way and some scouts covered their head in water.
About 3:45 we were 4-5 km from Cowwarr and some scouts were exhausted the parents picked us up at the corner of Foxes Rd, as Käfer was too impatient to wait for 3 scouts with energy to finish.
There were 8 scouts and 2 supporting leaders. All together we did 91km we rounded this of to 25km in our books.
I’d like to thank Tom for helping organise the hike, the leaders, Andrew and Käfer, for making it possible and to all the parents who helped out with transporting scouts and their gear.

By Angu