.........The 1st Yinnar Scouts like to put some of our Scouting experiences here in this blog..........
13 November 2007
Scout Hike...... One golden hike ........
12 September 2007
Gareth's Hike

On the 1st and the 2nd of September Scott, Lachlan, Callum, Caitlin, Max, Angus, Tom, Regan and I went on a hike at After we had hiked about three kilometers we turned east and started hiking along Sennis Track. Along the Sennis Track we came across a group of motorbike riders, so we had to be careful of others using the track. About six kilometres later along the track we came to the Sennis Camping Ground, located on the
When we arrived there we had a short rest before we started setting up our tents.
Sylvia had already started a fire so we went and collected more firewood. We sat round the fire and talked before we started cooking tea. After tea we sat round the fire talking while people went to bed one at a time.
In the morning we packed up and left about five minutes later than what was planned. It was harder on the 2nd day because it was mostly uphill. Max was having difficulty walking because he had hurt his foot the day before but we still finished early. Once we reached to the finish point we had to wait 45 minutes until the transport vehicles arrived.
In my opinion it was a successful hike except for the rubbish problem. It was a good hike because we finished early and it was enjoyable.
10 August 2007
Mt Worth State Park Hike

On the 18th and the 19th of August there was a hike at one does a better job next time!
When we actually got back into mount worth state park Andrew was walking with us. It was fairly hilly but I didn’t mind, I thought that it wasn’t too bad but a few other scouts were starting to complain a bit that it was getting hard. I thought for a wile (about half way) that we were going the wrong direction. In the end we found out that we were going the rite way and it was just that we were taking too many rests and walking too slow. We completed the 11.2 km track one hour late.
I thought that the hike went fairly well, it would have been better if we were a bit more organised with time. The hills were a good challenge and it was a bit tiering for the younger scouts at the end, they would of slept well.
Thanks for coming Gareth, Angus, Kobi, Tom and Regan
.(I came too.)
12:30 met at Yinnar scout hall to get organised.
2:00: Started walking
5:00: Got to the camp site.
8:30(Morning) Finished off packing up and start walking again.
1:00: Go home time.
By Max
18 May 2007
Callums Bike Hike Report
By Callum
25 March 2007
Wilsons Prom Hike

On the 24th of March,
We started hiking at Telegraph Saddle and headed towards our sleeping point, Sealers Cove.
We stopped at a cave that a group of Venturers told us about and decided that we would explore the cave on the next day, because it was raining. We stopped again at the start of the board walk, which is about 2 km long, and put our coats on. When we were about a ¼ of the way along the board walk, a small tree almost fell on Jo.
It continued to rain only easing down when we got to Sealers Cove. It was another 700 metres along the beach to get to the campsite. Getting to the campsite included crossing a river. Luckily it was low tide and we didn’t get much wetter than we already were from the rain.
By the time we had arrived at the campsite the rain had stopped and the sun was coming out.
Once we had our tents up and we had all changed into dry clothes we climbed up to the top of a big rock and put our wet clothes there to dry.
The next morning half of the group crossed the river and went on the beach while we waited for the remaining people to finish packing up. We set off at about
Along the way we met up with Matt and Bryce who walked out from Telegraph Saddle to meet us.
We stopped at the cave for lunch and explored the cave once everyone had finished their lunch. To get into the main part of the cave we had to get though a tunnel that was on a 45˚ angle. In the cave there were these strange 6 legged insects that looked like spiders.
As soon as everyone had finished exploring, we set off hiking again. We stopped to fill up our drink bottles at Fern Tree Gully.
We arrived back at Telegraph Saddle at about

25 February 2007
Founders Day in Melbourne 24 Feb 2007

We went to Melbourne by train, we marched around, it was more walking around, then we sat on the steps of parliament and had to listen to people. We did our scout promise again, then we walked to the park and ate lunch then we we split into two groups and did some activities, we saw a giant birthday cake, it had the scout symbol on it and the photo of BP. at one activity we had to hit these blocks that came down a tube, I hit two of them, I wanted to do plaster painting. I did not get it done because anouther scout took off and I had to go. There was a bridge where we liked to go over the same other scout took off again and I had to go and look for him, the rovers gave out free ice with cordial we had to answer questions I was asked what rovers do and I said build cars it was correct. There was a abseiling trailer but this Scouts took off again, there was a water activity with no water you had to go throw a course with a faked canoe which you had to carry, there was food, there was hear dying I wanted to get it dyed it was taking to long to wait for my turn. After we went on a tram and we were allowed to go into the drivers cabin that was in the back of the tram we got off at the dogs and saw the boat that stops wale hunters and gives free tours on the boat we we

By Angus