Our Day began at 5pm on Friday at the Scout Hall. We left the hall at 5.20 and headed for
Rosedale. We arrived at about 6.10 and got fish’n’chips for dinner.
After we had dinner we headed south of Rosedale to the
Holey Plains State Park and we got to our drop-off point at about 7.10pm. It took us about 10 minutes until we started hiking. The first part of the track Colin said he could never find, so we used the GPS and went bush bashin’. Once we got part the over-grown part it was all on gravel/dirt tracks.
About 15 minutes away from camp we came across a possum. Colin took a photo of it and asked if anybody wanted to pick it up. Callum went to and then it just ran off, scared.
When we got to camp Sylvia was already there and had her tent set up. Lachlan went to set up Dylan’s tent and there were no poles, so Lachlan shared with Callum and Dylan shared with me. That night when all the tents were up we told a few stories and hokes to unwind before bed.
In the morning we woke about 5.30 and began packing our tents (and everything in them). When nearly everybody was ready we looked at Harrier Swamp which was right next to where we camped.
After we all looked around the swamp we got ready to leave. Everybody was ready to leave at around 7.15.
On the second day we had a few more breaks and rests than Friday. Lunch came at 11.15 and went at midday.
We began hiking again and went until 1:10 with our only break at 12.45.
Thank you to the following people: Colin, Sylvia, Wayne, Callum and Lachlan, Keischa, Ramon and Max for making it possible.